Monday, October 20, 2014

whispering voices
like water
find even
the smallest cracks
in the silence

but did you see

the small men
tally the sins of
their fellow men
in the comfort
of a false eternity
that lewd weight
of a ledger of
trivial transgressions

but the ephemeral voices
of young lonely faces
bear no comfort
of no eternity

just that
forgetful awful past

Tuesday, October 1, 2013

I sleep with words, and wake up with them too. But each time with a
little less. A little less each time until silence sets in. But
then, suddenly, silence turns into sadness in a tacky, kitschy, sleazy
way before I start screaming “May time wilt your sadness into an
orgiastic version of a tetchy teenage drama,” before I turn myself to
sleep, before falling into a crazy Lynch-esque dream with its horribly
callous script, before my loud moaning slips sadly completing a full

Better part my late childhood, deep into my thirties, were spent
writing letters to myself in drunken stupors. Groaning takes practice,
you know. I am a telemachian late bloomer, whatcha-gonna-do?

The one, the one that got away, isn’t here. That’s not the sad part,
not by a long shot. The sad part is that I don’t give a shit about
pretty much anything anymore. The disappointed child in my head is
singing “I was locked in you your heart-shaped box” in a desolate room
all by himself, adding a “once” at the end which wasn’t there
originally. That child with his cargo-pants and Rage Against The
Machine t-shirt punches away some pixilated words at the keyboard,
carrying his frown like a god-damn-war-scar of some significance.

Some dream you had child. That an old bitter man dreamed that you
wrote everything here in a dazed semi-conscious half-sleep. Some

Monday, August 5, 2013

evening falls in but i feel nothin’

then the terrible weight
of all the empty beds
all the way to the distant past
punches me in the groin
hard, i mean real hard

but i feel nothin’

then i remember driving
between two midwest towns
on a hot summer day
in a shitty car
windows down
some road song playing on a
radio station about to disappear

but i still feel nothin’

somebody waiting on the other end

yet i feel nothin’, nothin’ man

then i remember
the wrenching loneliness
of commuting in a town where
no one understands
the words i collected
in two and half languages
in forty some odd years

yet i still feel nothin’

but try to fill an empty soul
all the same
with memories
that feel like graffiti on
abandoned warehouse walls
running along a midwestern highway

all the nothingness
that come from the nothing
returns to the nothing
all the same
feeling nothin’
nothin’ at all

Sunday, June 30th, 2013

what if we all are
nothing but vehicles
transmitting a piece of genetic code
from one generation to the next?

all that we learn
all those we love
all we see and hear
lasting only a brief lifetime

only to disappear with no trace
except for those little fragments of memories
transmitted alongside

Friday, March 15, 2013

Pieces of you lie in me.
I read today that
people we love become ghosts inside,
and live through us.
Ghosts in a machine.
The bones of your ghost in me
consist of images
of you, sounds, smells and
that undercurrent feeling
of everything is right with the world.
That it will be
even if it wasn’t.

Thursday, January 17, 2013

i am talking without consequences
about myself without an audience
which leaves each word
without weight
without meaning
rendering them to pure noise

but time is a chain formed by
object of my own thought
one word at a time
like a rickety ladder going up
one step at a time
prone to a capricious collapse
under faintest hint of inspection

the time that belongs to
a universe born out of pure static
that would descend into pure noise
as dictated by
the law of increasing entropy:
“earth to earth, ashes to ashes, dust to dust”